This Site is Intended to Discuss What to Eat and What not to Eat in Paleo Diet. A Diet which will help you reduce weight and control diseases like Type 2 Diabetes

If you are a layman and if you want to know more about Paleo diet from a Layman point of view, please visit Chennai Paleo Doctor

If you are interested in Scholarly Articles and Technical Journals about Science of Nutrition and Food, please see Paleo 4 Diabetes

Without learning basics, one cannot find it out

//Still the question of How do you find out stands valid and open
//Paleo is the treatment for primary insulin resistance. For secondary insulin resistance due to sedantary lifestyle, exercise is needed For secondary insulin resistance due to more calories intake, calorie restriction is needed// say, there is a patient X, who is diabetic, obese, having sedentary life style (almost all ppl have all these risk factors) (is there any patient in this group who is a sportsman / athletic / extremely fit who is a type 2 diabetic?) if so, how do you determine or find out whether it is due to primary insulin resistance or due to sedentary lifestyle or due to high calorie intake//
One who has learnt the basics properly will be able to find it based on history, clinical examination and lab investigations
Without learning basics, one cannot find it out
This is why , from the beginning I am saying learn the basics first
There is no use in debating whether open cholecystectomy or lap cholecystectomy is best for a patient without knowing anatomy of calots triangle
If you think you can post 2 pages from sabiston and 4 pages from maingot and appear wise, you are mistaken

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